Who: Billie Eilish
When: 17 May 2024
Genre: Alt-pop, Progressive Pop,
Length: 43.45
Label: Darkroom Interscope
Producers: Finneas
Track Listing:
Well Billie Eilish is back. After a 3 year hiatus since Happier Than Ever she dropped her third album. I honestly don't understand how her and her brother Finneas (who is the sole producer for all of Billie's studio albums) have done it again.
If it was possible Billie's vocals have greatly improved since we last heard a full album, she is experimenting more with different vocal techniques and I'm happier than ever (pun intended) that she feels confident in her artistry to try new ways of expressing herself.
The album opens up with the track Skinny and from the very beginning you can see the trajectory of the lyrics, that are very honest and raw as she starts of the song by singing:
People say I look happy
Just because I got skinny
But the old me is still me and maybe the real me
And I think she's pretty
Hands down my favourite part of the track was the beautiful string arrangement that began at 2.42 right until the ending when and this a very small thing but it brings so much joy, but when the ending instrumental is the same as the next songs intro and you can't tell when the song ends/finishes is just 👌🏻
Billie is no stranger to this element as it was -previously used in her debut studio album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (I have reviewed it here on Serendipity Music so I would definitely check it out if I were you) with the tracks Bury a Friend to iolomilo.
Next we have is Lunch and it's an extremely catchy tune. Though only listening to it a few times I have already memorised the lyrics and beats. It's a very good example of an earworm chorus to say the least.
Fun Fact: did you know that she directed the official music video. Honestly is there anything she can't do?
Also the section in Lunch 2.22 to 2.52 is so good I don't know how to put into words how it makes me feel. If I tried to summarise it I would say it's a immediately head bopping/dance inducissing breakdown and I can't wait until I hear it live at her show in London next July 2025 at the o2 Arena.
Another highlight for me is track number 3 Chihiro which if you're anime fan or love Studio Ghibli movies will already know that the the song title is referring to Chihiro Ogino the protagonist to Spirited Away (2001). You would think a song being over 5 minutes long would be too long but it doesn't drag and is so dynamic you don't feel the length.
Finneas deserves a shoutout for his production throughout the album but in particularly here in this song. When I say I was almost in a trance with the beat breakdown in 1.55 to 2.19 is not an exaggeration.
Truth be told there isn't really any song which I hated or did not enjoy in some way. My only gripe if there any is that the album is only 10 songs long and I just wanted more music. That's it. Seriously that's my one critique.
Will Billie Eilish win another Grammy. I would not be surprised at all if she got nominated/won Album of the year but let's see who the other contenders will be.
Lastly, it needs to be said that there have been a lot talk/posts on the Internet regarding the possibility of this latest project being a double album. Again this is just speculation and hearsay so I cannot confirm or validate the claims. However, I will say that who wouldn't want more Billie Eilish music especially if it will be at the same level as HIT ME HARD AND SOFT.